This podcast consists of interviews gathered together by Ron Ross. Enter the world of Ronversations!

Ron Ross did mornings for many years, so he’s REALLY happy he doesn’t have to get up at the crack of dawn anymore!

Ron grew up in Frederick County going to high school at St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg. He met his wife at the rock nightclub The Rabbit’s Foot back in the day, which is Mariachi’s Restaurant today. He and his “Greatest-Wife-Ever” as he calls her, live in Middletown raising two daughters (Go Knights!) and are now proud grandparents. Come out to the Middletown Heritage Festival in the fall that his wife chairs and hear Ron announce the parade.

Ron Ross started his career at a rock station in Hagerstown, Maryland, 107X, you know now as The Eagle 106.9. Ron is so happy and excited to be live and local back in his hometown in Frederick for The Most Music, (he loves his pop divas like Dua Lipa, Lizzo, and of course, old school Britney,) Some Info You Can Use, And a Little Fun. Come hang out, jam out, decompress, and answer the KEY-westion of the Day for cool prizes on The Ron Ross Ride Home!