Join Bridget, a massage therapist and reiki master, and Alexis, a psychic medium, for “Spiritual Signs and Metaphysical Minds”, where the mystical and maternal worlds converge. Embark on this extraordinary journey as we bridge the gap between the spiritual and the mundane, the metaphysical and the maternal, all with a touch of whimsy and earthiness, courtesy of our beloved chickens!

Bridget Santmyer & Alexis Earley
Bridget Santmyer’s transformative journey unfolded from a nurturing home economics teacher to a compassionate massage therapist and reiki master. Under the gentle guidance of her angels, guides, and ancestors, she uncovered her life’s purpose in alleviating others’ physical and emotional pain through various healing practices. Embracing her blossoming mediumship abilities, Bridget now finds solace in the tranquil charm of Mount Airy at Elk Run Vineyards, where she shares her harmonious abode with her devoted fiancé, five children, two dogs, two cats, seven chickens, and two ducks. Each corner of her serene sanctuary reflects her unwavering dedication to healing and nurturing those who cross her path.
Alexis Earley is a psychic intuitive and medium. She’s always had a sense of knowing growing up as a child but her intuitiveness and mediumship abilities grew when her parents bought Gabriels Inn in Ijamsville MD, an inn with tons of history & tons of spirit activity. It wasn’t until 2021 that Alexis decided to start sharing her gift with others. She uses her gifts to help others, providing them with messages of love, guidance & healing from their angels and loved ones. Alexis also helps with her husband’s pest control business. When Alexis isn’t communicating with spirits and angels or wrangling bugs, she enjoys being outside in nature and hanging out with friends and family. She has a huge love for animals and is learning how to be a homesteader. Alexis lives in Frederick MD with her husband (John), son (Max), daughter (Marlee), 3 dogs (Kira, Spot & Tovy) and 6 chickens (Barbara, Edith, Betty, Dorothy, Agatha & Fancy).